Session 6

Session 6

Our final session!  I’m sad!

The first pose was supported wide-legged forward fold.  It took a few minutes to get the blocks and bricks to the right height under my head but once they were in position, this pose felt really comfortable.  Janice ensured that my back was slightly arched which made my back feel open and lengthened.  I tried a few positions with my arms and found that resting them on the bottom of my calves was the best option as I was able to sink down into the pose more.  I have really enjoyed the supporting forward fold positions as they have a soothing and gentle effect on my back which makes it feel less tight.

Supported wide leg forward fold

For our second pose, we did supported boat pose using an upturned chair.  Having a bolster resting against the chair meant that I could literally sink my back down into it.  It was absolutely gorgeous and so relaxing.  I enjoyed the fact that my legs were elevated and supported and the strap around my legs meant that I was able to really ‘let go’ and sink into the pose.  I was in this pose for quite a while and as it was so restful, I nodded off a few times.  I think I even fell asleep at one point. 

Supported boat pose

After the supported boat pose, we did a mild inversion – legs up the wall pose. As with the first pose, it took a few minutes to get everything ‘just right’.  Getting the distance from the wall and my arms in the right position were the main areas where we had to focus.  I had a relatively flat bolster under my back which meant that it was very slightly stretched although I couldn’t feel it.  Janice did ask if I would prefer a blanket, but my back is generally quite open, so the bolster was more than comfortable.  I like inversions and this pose was no different despite it being supported against the wall.  Being in this position also really relaxed my mind.

Legs up the wall

For relaxation, we did a side-lying savasana.  This was slightly different to the one that we had done in a previous week because the props we used were in slightly different positions.  As I now have more movement in my arm, it was able to drape and relax more.  I also had a heavier blanket between my lower legs which seemed to provide an additional sense of ‘security and whilst I did not fall asleep in this pose (I think I’d had my ‘fix’ in the supported boat pose), I was totally relaxed and able to clear my mind.

Side lying savasana

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Session 3 – click here 
Session 4 – click here 
Session 5 – click here
Session 6 – you’re already here
My Final Thoughts – click here